Pure chocolate : divine desserts and sweets from the creator of Fran's chocolates

Bigelow, Fran

Pure chocolate : divine desserts and sweets from the creator of Fran's chocolates / Fran Bigelow, Helene Siegel. - New York : Broadway Books, 2004. - 234 p. : il. col. ; 27 cm.

Everything you need to know about chocolate (Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el chocolate) – Amazing cookies ando brownies (Asombrosas galletas y brownies) – Tortes, with and without flavor (Tortas, con y sin sabor) – Elegant tarts (Tartas elegantes) – Celebration cakes and holiday specialties (Pasteles de celebración y fiestas especiales) – Sumptuous cheesecakes, puddings, and custards (Suntuosos pasteles de queso, pudines y natillas) – Chilled spectaculars (Espectaculares helados ) – pure chocolate sorbet (sorbete de chocolate negro) -- Silken desserts sauces (Salsas sedosas para postres) – Five beverages and snacks (Cinco bebidas y snacks) – Truffles and other fine chocolates (Trufas y otros chocolates finos) – Building blocks (Construyendo bloques)


Libros de cocina
Cocina (Chocolate)

TX767.C5 / B49 2004